Maybe the Rolling Stones were wrong.
Maybe you can always get what you want… and more. 

That’s where Avarice Funds comes in. Our strong research capabilities, personalized investment management strategies and global perspective have produced exceptional performance for our clients. In fact, every Avarice Fund has a strong correlation to the one-, three- and ten-year Lipper category averages for their respective sector. 

If you have a minimum of $50,000 to invest, our dedicated team of seasoned portfolio management professionals can help you select investment opportunities tailored to your particular situation, manage those investments for you and protect whatever remains.

To get started in building financial wealth for yourself, for your family and for us, please review the fixed-income options and equity investment opportunities that are offered by Avarice Funds.

Building financial wealth


Avarice Funds is parody, fiction, spoof. It in no way represents an actual investment company. (If you need to be told that, you really need to lock up your checkbook.) Avarice Funds does not purport to predict future events. (If we could do that, we'd be at the track instead of here.) Proper names used on this site, unless those of public figures or entities, are fictional; any resemblance to actual persons or entities is coincidental. Avarice Funds is not associated with any investment firm, nor would any reputable investment firm wish to be associated with Avarice Funds. Knowing all this, if you still wish to invest with Avarice Funds, make your check payable to Avarice Funds, CSA, LSMFT, and send it to our office in the Cayman Islands.

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